
Partner OneOnBoarding App 

Partner OneOnBoarding

Here is the problem, organizations often onboard partners, clients, and collaborators by securing approvals using emails and slack messages, which becomes increasingly difficult to track and organize every day. They risk missing emails and losing track of the approval process, resulting in lost requests and lengthy approvals. Also, enterprises lack an automated process to recertify existing partners, resulting in security and compliance challenges.

OneOnboardingApp eliminates these issues by automating the entire process with an ability to customize to enterprise needs.

With the OneOnboardingApp, the process is fully automated. The requestor has complete visibility on the request's status; OneOnboardingApp seamlessly extends access to clients, partners, or B2B collaborators to become part of the process. OneOnboardingApp can automatically finish the intended tasks like provisioning partners onto applications like the B2Bi platform or adding them to a collaboration folder using the iPaaS layer with 150+ out-of-the-box integrations.

For Enterprises

  • Establish automated process with audit trails for approvals to enable B2B Partnerships or clients onto enterprise environment.
  • Automate recertification process, to requalify enterprises access to partners and vendors.

For Clients, Vendors and Partners

  • Clients have access to their own portal to upload certificates, or renew passwords
  • Provide visibility on the requests.

For IT and Security Operations

  • Generate audit reports on requests, renewals and recertifications
  • Automate the process for recertifications, and password renewals.

For Business Lines

  • Reduce the time get the approval process by 50% with automated escalations and alerts.
  • No More missing emails on requests to provision partners.
Cloud and On-premise

Unique features of the app

OneOnboardingApp is a versatile application to onboard business to business partners and clients, with a fully configurable business process for approvals. The embedded iPaaS layer's integrated services provision new users to 150+ enterprise cloud and on-premise applications like Salesforce, Marketo, SAP, B2Bi, SFTP, and several other services. OneOnBoardingApp business logic engine can be configured to initiate security and compliance-driven policies like recertification and password renewals with external collaborators.

The OnBoarding app additionally provides


The OneOnBoardingApp App is entirely configurable, offering edits for

Company branding

Email templates

Types of notifications

Business logic flow for approvals

Escalations, reminders on stalled requests

Setup reminders, notifications as needed

Automate the last mile – provisioning, password reset etc.,

AWS, Azure or on-premise deployment


OneOnBoardingApp lets you use any of these iPaaS Integrations to provision, recertify or renew users

150+ Enterprise integrations for user provisioning, data gathering, ETL and approvals


Content repositories – Syncplicity, Box, Dropbox

Salesforce, Dynamics

Eloqua, Marketo



And several others