Cloud Migration

Backflipt No Code platform enables businesses to migrate to the public or private cloud seamlessly by providing a layer of abstraction for the apps. Using the drag and drop cloud resources as widgets, applications can phase in cloud resources without affecting the user experience. Backflipt's prepackaged resources for AWS, Azure, and GCP enable application migration seamlessly.

CIO, CSO - Perspective

Recent events have accelerated the trend of migration of applications and processes to the cloud. CIOs need tools to help them with this move to allow their businesses to remain competitive and relevant. They are looking for a no-code platform to build microservices for specific business flows or tasks in the cloud migration process, targeting cloud service providers of interest. This approach reduces the migration complexities for the developers and DevOps engineers.

Accelerate time to market

Roll out new applications with integrated process automation 5X faster.

Optimize on the budget

Cut down the cost of ownership by 50%, monitor and scale resources with demand.

Correct by construct

Roll out apps 5X times faster, focus on behavioral aspects rather than code correctness.

Iterate and explore

Shorten your definition, development phases by 50%. Experiment with compelling ideas before a production release.